used boat inventory list

Used boat inventory discovery before sailing the Mediterranean Sea

The salty scent of the sea, the gentle lapping of waves against the hull, the promise of uncharted waters, and the allure of distant shores – these are the dreams that led us to our decision. We were going to sail the Mediterranean, and we were going to do it on a budget. The Mediterranean, with its azure waters and sun-drenched coastlines, was a siren call for us. But we knew that such a journey required more than just dreams and desires. It required careful planning of the boat inventory and sailing route, a frugal mindset, and a willingness to …

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boat inspection buying a used boat

The ultimate guide to buying a used sailboat: Baffi’s boat inspection

The Mediterranean Sea has always been a siren’s call to individuals who adore the sea due to its turquoise waves, golden sunsets, and the promise of adventure. Many of us cherish the desire to sail these storied waters, discover undiscovered coves, and anchor in charming coastal villages. But a boat is necessary to make this fantasy a reality. A boat that can resist the rigors of the sea, one that can serve as a home away from home, not just any boat. On the chilly morning of February 20, 2020, we found ourselves standing on the deck of a potential …

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visit Marseille France

Visit Marseille 2024: unmasking the chaos amidst the beauty

If you are planning to visit Marseille France, then buckle up for a ride through a city whose veins pulse with vibrant diversity, fascinating culture, and profound history. Known both for its gritty charm and stunning seaside panorama, Marseille is a city that holds nothing back. Whether you pronounce it Marseille or Marseilles, the essence remains the same – it’s an unforgettable destination packed with potential for adventure and discovery. South of France, February 2020. Valentine’s Day isn’t usually a notable occasion for us. A card, a nice dinner, maybe an impromptu dance around our living room to our favorite …

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sailboat search in France finding the right sailboat

Our sailboat search in France: finding the right sailboat

The South of France, February 2020. A vibrant palette of blues and gold painted the coastline as the Mediterranean Sea kissed the sun-drenched beaches. A gentle breeze whispered through the palms, carrying with it the tantalizing aroma of a distant bouillabaisse simmering in a local kitchen. It was winter, but you wouldn’t have known it. Mathieu, wearing just a t-shirt and jeans, absorbed the rays of the afternoon sun, his eyes reflecting the azure expanse of the sea that lay ahead of us. But our journey was not just a leisurely vacation. No, we were on a mission. A mission …

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med sailing holidays

From dream to reality: Med sailing during the pandemic in 2020

Before I was a sailor, I was a dreamer. A dreamer who longed for the salty air, the rhythmic lull of the waves, and the limitless expanse of azure blue. There’s a certain kind of magic that the sea holds, a pull that tugs at the heartstrings of those who dare to dream. I was no exception. The allure of the sea was more than just a whisper in my ear – it was a roaring call to adventure. But like many dreams, this Med sailing adventure seemed too vast, too wild to ever become a reality. That was until …

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