Detailed travel guides to make the best of your next vacation! Free and unique, they will help you plan your holiday in no time.
I’ve always been great at planning, even beyond traveling. I like knowing what I can find in an area I visit, how long it takes to explore, and how much it can cost. That way, I can always afford to leave room for the unexpected, which is how some of the best memories are born.
To help you travel better, I came up with the free travel guides available online below. Then, even lower on the page, you can find my published works, which are available to buy as eBooks or paperbacks.
Shop travel guides by Mirela Letailleur, The Travel Bunny

How to travel Europe on a budget
A travel guide that will teach you how to see even the most expensive travel destinations in Europe on a small budget. Buy the How to travel Europe on a budget guide to learn how to lower your Europe travel costs.
Free vacation guides available online
Coming soon
- Bucharest, Romania
- London, UK
- Paris, France
- Vatican City
- Vienna, Austria