Private transport in Athens

If you’re looking for budget-friendly ways to explore the Greek Capital, there are several options for private transport in Athens. Read below to discover what is the best choice of private transport in Athens and outside the city.

Getting a taxi in Athens

Taxis in Athens are available on any day, at any hour. To get a taxi in Athens, you can stop one on the street, choose one from the taxi stations next to touristic attractions, call a number, or use an app.

During your ride, the driver may ask you if he can also pick up other clients who are heading in the same direction. It’s a legal, common practice, but you may refuse if you’re uncomfortable with it.

There are flat fares for getting to Athens from the airport and back. And another thing to mind about the fares: they are higher after midnight (think double!).

Regarding taxi tipping in Athens, it’s common to round up to the nearest euro. A 5-10% tip should be offered only for exceptional service when opting for a taxi as your private transport in Athens.

Avoid getting scammed by taxi drivers when using private transport in Athens

When compared to other European Capitals, taxis in Athens aren’t that expensive. However, there are some taxi drivers that try to make the bill more costly.

Always make sure that there is a meter that gets turned on when the ride starts. It’s also handy to have a navigation app on your phone (e.g. Waze), to make sure the driver doesn’t stray too much from the route.

The driver is also required to provide you with a receipt for your ride. If you wish to be extra-safe, you can mention right from the start that you will need the receipt when reaching the destination.

Getting an Uber in Athens

You can also use the Uber App in Athens, instead of getting a cab. It’s more convenient because you can pay straight via your card, and you don’t have to worry about the tip.

When you choose to get a car via the Uber App, you usually get drivers who can speak English and are more courteous. The cars are usually nicer, too.

Other advantages are the option to split the fare with your friends and to share your ride information with someone, so they know where you are from the point you get into your car until you reach the destination. The people you share this information with also receive some information on the driver, so you can be certain you are safe wherever and whenever you’re taking an Uber.

Want a discount for your first Uber trip?
If you still haven’t tried Uber yet, use the code mirelav45ue when you sign up to get your first trip at a discount. Sit back and enjoy private transport in Athens for free!

Renting a car to go outside Athens

Athens is a city with very heavy traffic. When driving in Athens, you need to be mindful of one-way streets and pedestrian areas. You also need to keep in mind that it’s very difficult to find a parking spot.

That is why for traveling inside the city, I suggest getting a taxi if you prefer private transport in Athens. Otherwise, use Athens public transport, or walking to get from one place to the next. For day trips from Athens to explore the Attica region or discover the nearby sights, you should definitely rent a car, though.

Renting a scooter to explore Athens

A great option to explore the city of Athens is to rent a scooter. Private transport in Athens by scooter is faster: you can get around traffic, and you can also easily park mostly anywhere!

How to get around Athens
Public transport in Athens + map
Riding the tram on the Athens Riviera