2024 Olympics guide Paris France

A comprehensive guide to traveling to France for the 2024 Olympics

Imagine stepping into the heart of France during the most electrifying time of the year — the 2024 Olympics. Picture yourself amid the ancient streets of Paris, where the past and future collide in a spectacular celebration of human achievement and international camaraderie. Every corner of the city, from the sunlit terraces of cafes to the bustling market squares, brims with anticipation and the infectious buzz of excitement. This is a journey to experience the world coming together in a grand showcase of talent and determination. The Seine sparkles under the summer sky, reflecting the glow of the Eiffel Tower, …

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adventure road trips in France

Top 5 adventure road trips in France

Are you ready for the ultimate adventure in France? The country offers some of the most scenic routes and picturesque destinations for an unforgettable road trip experience. There’s something for every traveler, from wine routes and historic trails to scenic valleys and Riviera journeys. In this post, we have rounded up the top 5 adventure road trips in France that will leave you spellbound. Plan your adventure road trip in France Planning your route and itinerary is crucial for a smooth trip. Research and book accommodations and attractions ahead of time to ensure availability. Checking the weather forecast will help …

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marina degli aregai imperia italy

Marina degli Aregai: sailing from Menton to Spiaggia Aregai

The sun had barely begun to cast its golden hues over the horizon when our journey commenced from the picturesque town of Menton. Nestled between the azure waters of the Mediterranean and the towering peaks of the Alps, Menton is a coastal gem that also acts as a gateway, a threshold between two worlds — the romantic allure of France and the rustic charm of Italy. As our sailboat gently cut through the calm morning waters, the significance of our departure point wasn’t lost on us. Menton, often dubbed as the Pearl of France, is a prologue to tales of adventure, a …

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menton travel guide

Menton travel guide: a sailboat journey on the French Riviera

The sun was just beginning to cast its golden hue over the horizon as we set sail from Cannes on the 25th of June, 2020. The gentle hum of the boat’s engine as we left the port, the soft lapping of the waves against the hull, and the distant cries of seagulls created a symphony of sounds that signaled the start of an unforgettable journey. As the iconic silhouette of Cannes faded into the distance, the vast expanse of the azure Mediterranean Sea lay ahead, beckoning us with promises of adventure and discovery. From the very first moment, the French …

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visit cannes by boat

Sailing on the French Riviera: a day to visit Cannes by boat

The allure of the French Riviera is undeniable, and there’s no better way to visit Cannes than by embracing the gentle waves and the azure expanse of the Mediterranean. Our journey began at the picturesque Santa Lucia Marina in Saint-Raphaël, a hidden gem that’s often overshadowed by its more glamorous neighbors. As we set sail, the promise of adventure and the thrill of the unknown beckoned us forward. The Corniche d’Or unfurled before us like a golden ribbon, its beauty unparalleled and often whispered about in hushed tones among seasoned sailors. This stretch, which lies between Saint-Raphaël and Cannes, is …

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