avoid paying commissions abroad

Mastering money abroad — how to sidestep paying commissions

The allure of cobblestone streets, the scent of freshly baked croissants wafting through the air, and the distant hum of a bustling Romanian marketplace. As I, a native of France, stepped onto Romanian soil, the thrill of adventure coursed through my veins. But amidst the excitement of exploring a new land, there lurked a shadowy adversary that many travelers, including myself, often overlook: the silent drain of paying commissions abroad. Imagine saving for months, maybe even years, for that dream vacation. You’ve planned every detail, from the quaint cafes you’ll visit to the historical sites that await your discovery. Yet, …

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this travel season spend smarter

This travel season master smart spending with top budget travel tips

The sun sets, casting a golden hue over the bustling airports and serene beaches, signaling the onset of another travel season. As the world spins faster, our wanderlust grows, urging us to explore new horizons. Each year, the symphony of packed bags, boarding passes, and excited chatter grows louder. But with this crescendo of adventures, there’s an undeniable truth: our pockets feel the pinch a tad more with every trip. However, this travel season beckons with a promise, a whisper in the wind. It tells tales of weekend escapes where city lights blend with starry nights, and of far-off tropical …

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snorkeling tips

Snorkeling tips: 5 Do’s & don’ts for snorkelers to feel safe

Exploring new fields is an essential part of human nature. From ancient times until today, people were motivated to move forward and find out what lies ahead of them. Nowadays, another need is becoming more and more critical: escaping from the day to day routine and revitalizing ourselves. Snorkeling is an activity that combines all the above. Maybe, that’s why it’s so popular all around the world and keeps attracting newcomers. In any case, there’s always a basic principle: safety comes first. So, before you begin discovering the underwater beauty, read this article and get ready for an unforgettable experience. …

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best bed and breakfast

How to select the best bed and breakfast: a comprehensive guide

Embarking on a journey to find the perfect place to rest your head at night is more than just seeking a comfortable bed and a hearty breakfast. It’s about discovering a haven that resonates with your soul, a place that feels like a second home, and an experience that lingers in your memory long after you’ve checked out. Imagine stepping into a world where every corner tells a story, where the walls whisper tales of love, laughter, and lifelong memories. This is the essence of a high-quality bed and breakfast. It’s not just about the plush pillows or the gourmet …

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best flight infographic

The ultimate guide to the best flight experience + infographic

The golden age of aviation, where the very idea of soaring through the skies was synonymous with luxury and elegance. Passengers dressed in their finest, sipping on champagne, while flight attendants catered to their every whim. The journey was as much an event as the destination itself. Fast forward to today, and the scene has dramatically shifted. The allure of the best flight experience seems to have been replaced with quick snacks and cramped seats. But what if I told you that the magic of those bunny flights from yesteryears isn’t entirely lost? In the hustle and bustle of modern …

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