Sailing the Ligurian Sea: from Cinque Terre to Marina del Fezzano

Sailing the Ligurian Sea along the coast of Cinque Terre to Marina del Fezzano began with a breathtaking sunrise after our first night at anchor next to the beach of Chiavari. The tranquil beauty of dawn kissed the horizon, casting a golden hue over the calm waters, and we knew our adventure had truly begun. The excitement was palpable as we raised the sails and set off into the serene expanse of the Ligurian Sea. This was no ordinary voyage; it was a journey through history, culture, and the raw beauty of Italy’s rugged coastline.

best sailing routes in italy Marina del Fezzano via Cinque Terre
Best sailing routes in Italy: Chiavari to Marina del Fezzano via Cinque Terre

Destination: Marina del Fezzano via Cinque Terre

Our journey was set for Marina del Fezzano, an enchanting hideaway tucked within the serene Golfo dei Poeti, a place that whispers legends and inspires the imagination. But getting there was an experience that promised to unfold like a story with every wave. Before we could moor in this hidden gem, our route led us through the iconic Cinque Terre, a breathtaking string of ancient seaside villages that seem to defy gravity, perched precariously on rugged cliffs. Each town, with its riot of colorful houses stacked like jumbled jewels and terraced vineyards that clung stubbornly to steep slopes, offered a promise of something different — each a world unto itself.

The weather? Unpredictable. The kind of skies could swing from sapphire blue to storm gray in a blink. But isn’t that the thrill of sailing the Ligurian Sea? The blend of uncertainty and wonder? Every gust of wind carried the scent of adventure, every ripple on the water hinted at secrets waiting to be uncovered. This intoxicating mix of challenge and discovery made the Ligurian coast one of Italy’s best-kept secrets for sailors. In this place, every nautical mile tells a story.

So, we set our course, ready to embrace whatever lay ahead. Because in these waters, the destination is just a part of the magic — the real allure lies in the journey itself.

chiavari to marina del fezzano sailing trip
Chiavari to Marina del Fezzano sailing trip: dawn by Chiavari Beach

Sailing the Ligurian Sea from Chiavari to Marina del Fezzano

As the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, the beach of Chiavari was bathed in a soft, golden glow. The sand shimmered like powdered gold, and the world seemed to hold its breath, caught in that perfect moment between night and day. The sleepy coastal town was just beginning to stir, but we were already wide awake, our hearts beating in time with the rhythm of the waves.

The gentle lapping of water against the hull became our morning symphony, punctuated by the distant cry of seagulls and the rustle of the wind in our sails. There was a certain electricity in the air, a sense of anticipation that sent a thrill down our spines. Setting sail from Chiavari was the start of another adventure and a bold leap into the unknown, a promise to ourselves that we would surrender to the call of the sea and let it guide us to places we had only dreamed of.

italian coastal sailing ligurian sea
Italian coastal sailing on the Ligurian Sea

Before us, the Ligurian Sea stretched out like an endless blue canvas, glistening under the rising sun, its depths hinting at secrets and stories waiting to be uncovered. We felt the pull of that vast, open expanse. It was like a siren song inviting us to lose ourselves in its mystery, to explore every hidden cove and secluded beach, to find treasures in the simplest moments of life on the water.

With the wind in our hair and the salt on our skin, we knew this was more than just a journey; it was an embrace of freedom, an invitation to experience the world with fresh eyes and an open heart. And so, with sails unfurled and spirits high, we leaned into the adventure, ready to uncover the wonders that lay beyond the horizon.

cinque terre sailing adventure
Our Cinque Terre sailing adventure on one of the best sailing routes in Italy

Cinque Terre by sailboat – an enigmatic experience

Our dreams of seeing Cinque Terre up close were dashed by gloomy weather. As we sailed closer, what should have been a postcard-perfect view of vibrant coastal villages was instead shrouded in a thick blanket of clouds. The landscape, usually so full of life, had transformed into an eerie, almost otherworldly tableau. Yet, there was something unexpectedly captivating about it—a haunting allure that seemed to whisper secrets only the mist could hold.

In this gray, softened light, the rugged cliffs of Cinque Terre appeared even more formidable, as if rising defiantly against the encroaching fog. The waves, once playful under a bright sun, now crashed against the shore with a deeper, more resonant power, their echoes carrying across the stillness of the overcast morning. It was as if the sea itself was speaking in hushed tones, inviting us to listen more closely.

One by one, the five villages revealed themselves. Monterosso, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola, and finally, Riomaggiore — each seemed to emerge slowly, cautiously, like ghostly apparitions appearing from the mist. The colors of their buildings, usually so vibrant, were muted but no less beautiful; instead, they took on a richer, more complex palette, offering a glimpse into a different, more mysterious side of this iconic coastline.

As we drew nearer, we realized that this wasn’t the Cinque Terre we had imagined or seen in glossy travel magazines. It was something far more intriguing — a place where nature and history seemed to merge in the quiet of a foggy morning, revealing layers of stories waiting to be uncovered. We found ourselves no longer disappointed by the weather but entranced by this unexpected version of Cinque Terre, eager to see what other secrets might be hiding in the mist.

porto venere sailing tips
Arriving in Porto Venere

Porto Venere sailing tips – a must-visit destination

As our boat drew closer to Porto Venere, an electric sense of anticipation crackled in the air. The morning mist parted slowly, like a curtain lifting to unveil a masterpiece. Bit by bit, the ancient town emerged, its weathered stone buildings clinging to the cliffs with an almost defiant grace. The approach felt almost like a dream where history whispered from every crevice, and the sea itself seemed to hold its breath in awe.

Sailing into Porto Venere was an immersion into a world where the past and present danced in perfect harmony. The harbor unfolded like a vivid canvas, a dazzling swirl of color and life. Fishing boats bobbed beside sleek yachts, their reflections rippling in the clear, sapphire water. The scent of the salty sea mingled with the aroma of freshly baked focaccia drifting from a nearby cafe, creating an intoxicating blend that made you feel instantly alive.

Everywhere you looked, there was something to catch your eye — a flash of sunlight on a sailor’s cap, the rhythmic motion of waves against the hull, the ancient stone church of San Pietro perched on the promontory like a silent sentinel watching over the town for centuries. You could almost hear the echoes of old sea shanties mingling with the chatter of modern sailors, each a tribute to Porto Venere’s vibrant maritime heritage.

From the sea, the view of Porto Venere is simply breathtaking. It’s an unforgettable sight that leaves an indelible mark on your soul. For any sailor exploring the Italian coast, Porto Venere is not just a destination; it’s an experience that must be felt, a story that must be lived. Its intoxicating blend of natural beauty, historic wonders, and rich seafaring tradition offers more than just a stop on a map— it promises an adventure, a memory, and a moment in time where you find yourself lost and found, all at once.

As the day unfolds, you’ll find yourself irresistibly drawn into its labyrinth of narrow, cobblestone streets, eager to discover what lies beyond each turn, and what stories are hidden within its ancient walls. Porto Venere is a highlight of any voyage and a place that captures your heart and doesn’t let go, a jewel of the Ligurian coast that shines brightest when seen through the eyes of a sailor.

Exploring Golfo dei Poeti

As we sailed into the Golfo dei Poeti, it felt as though we were entering a realm woven from the threads of both history and legend. The gulf, famously named after the poets and writers who found inspiration along its shores, welcomed us with its serene yet imposing presence. Every turn of the helm while navigating through Golfo dei Poeti brought a discovery, from secluded coves perfect for anchoring to bustling harbors teeming with life. The blend of tranquility and activity made Golfo dei Poeti an ideal haven for sailors seeking both adventure and peace.

marina del fezzano travel guide
Marina del Fezzano travel guide

Marina del Fezzano travel guide – a unique marina experience

As we drew closer to Marina del Fezzano, what unfolded before our eyes was both surprising and captivating. This was not your typical marina with towering seawalls or an impressive gateway standing as a sentinel against the sea. Instead, there were no grand gestures of protection, no monumental breakwaters to announce our arrival. And yet, as we glided past the modest entrance, the waters seemed to whisper a calmness, their surface mirroring the sky above in an undisturbed, tranquil embrace.

Nestled in the heart of the Golfo dei Poeti, Marina del Fezzano felt like a secret sanctuary, a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. It is a place where the Ligurian Sea’s multifaceted character comes alive, a microcosm where the past, the present, and the natural world intertwine. Here, ancient tales blend seamlessly with modern life, and every corner has a story to tell, beckoning us to explore the rich tapestry of coastal Italy.

From the quaint, colorful houses lining the water’s edge to the gentle sway of boats bobbing in rhythm with the tide, Marina del Fezzano invites you to pause, breathe, and delve deeper. There is a sense of harmony here, a delicate balance between man and nature, tradition and progress. It’s a place where time seems to slow down, where every detail — the scent of the sea breeze, the distant hum of fishermen at work, the play of light on the water — draws you in, urging you to linger a little longer and uncover the stories that lie beneath the surface.

Marina del fezzano travel guide on the coast of the Ligurian Sea
Marina del Fezzano travel guide on the coast of the Ligurian Sea

Discovering Fezzano – a village of charm and culture

After arriving in the marina, we found ourselves irresistibly drawn to the heart of Fezzano, a hidden gem along the Italian coast. As we wandered through its labyrinth of narrow, winding streets, the village began to reveal its magic. The scent of freshly baked focaccia wafted through the air, mingling with the saltiness of the sea breeze. Each turn seemed to promise a discovery: a quaint shop selling handcrafted ceramics, an old man quietly strumming a mandolin, or a cheerful trattoria, its tables spilling out onto the cobblestones, inviting us to pause and savor the moment.

It was in one of these meandering alleys that we stumbled upon a tiny grocery store, a relic of old-world Europe, with shelves brimming with artisanal pasta, sun-drenched tomato sauces, and an impressive selection of local wines. The shopkeeper, a silver-haired woman with a warm, knowing smile, insisted we sample her homemade olive oil – its flavor was like liquid gold, evoking the very essence of the Ligurian countryside. We couldn’t resist taking a bottle with us, feeling as though we were carrying a piece of Fezzano’s soul.

Our journey continued to the Church of San Giovanni Battista, its stone façade a silent witness to centuries of devotion and community. Inside, the air was cool and hushed, filled with the soft glow of candlelight and the faint scent of incense. We stood in awe of the church’s beauty, its intricate frescoes, and its serene atmosphere offering a moment of reflection amidst our travels.

Returning to the marina, we found a scene that defied expectations: boats were moored in what could only be described as organized chaos, their colorful hulls and fluttering flags creating a vibrant mosaic against the deep blue of the harbor. Fishermen exchanged stories with sailors, and the laughter of children echoed across the water. It was a place that thrived on contradictions – both lively and tranquil, chaotic and peaceful.

Fezzano had charmed us with its perfect imperfections, its spirit of authenticity, and its celebration of the everyday. We realized that this village, with its richness of sights, sounds, and flavors, was not just a stop on our journey, but a destination in its own right – one that whispered for us to stay a little longer, to explore a little deeper, and to discover the stories hidden within its every corner.

exploring golfo dei poeti sunrise
Sunrise in Marina del Fezzano, Golfo dei Poeti

The Golfo dei Poeti Cup – a celebration of sailing heritage

The next morning, I woke up suddenly, without knowing why, pulled by an instinct I couldn’t quite name. I wandered over to the hatch, drawn by the faint glow of dawn, just in time to catch the first light of the sun spilling over the horizon. The sky was a masterpiece, painted in hues of pink and gold, and for a moment, I felt like I was the only person awake in the world. I savored the stillness, the quiet promise of a new day, and then, feeling the pull of sleep again, I crawled back into bed.

But the next time I woke up, the world outside had changed. The air was alive with an electric excitement that buzzed through the small streets and echoed across the water. It was regatta day in the Golfo dei Poeti, and the entire bay had transformed overnight into a lively carnival of color and movement. The Golfo dei Poeti Cup, a jewel in the crown of the sailing community, was underway.

exploring golfo dei poeti sailing cup
Exploring Golfo dei Poeti: the annual regatta

From the moment the starting horn blasted through the morning air, the race began — but not with the usual frantic rush. Instead, it unfolded like a slow, graceful ballet, with the sails moving to the rhythm of the wind. It was less of a race and more of a dance, where each boat seemed to glide across the water with an elegance that was mesmerizing to watch. It wasn’t about who could cross the finish line first; it was about the pure joy of sailing, the challenge of reading the wind, and the art of maneuvering a vessel in a fickle breeze.

As the day wore on and the sun climbed higher in the sky, we felt the heat begin to rise with it. The crowd along the shore thinned, looking for shade or a cool drink, but our sense of adventure was just warming up. We decided to explore Fezzano, a charming village nestled against the green hillside, where time seemed to slow down. The narrow streets were filled with a mix of locals and visitors, all caught up in the festive spirit of the regatta.

There was a sense of anticipation in the air, a feeling that anything could happen next, and we were ready to be swept up in it. The day was just beginning, and the Golfo dei Poeti had many more secrets to reveal.

ligurian sea travel tips marina del fezzano
Ligurian Sea travel tips: stop and visit Marina del Fezzano

Reflections on our Ligurian odyssey and the journey ahead

As we sat on the deck, watching the last rays of the sun cast a golden hue over Marina del Fezzano, we couldn’t help but reflect on the incredible adventure we had just experienced. Sailing the Ligurian Sea was a journey filled with both joy and challenges, each moment etching itself into our memories like the waves carving the coastline. Now, as we prepare to navigate up the Arno River toward the historic city of Pisa, our hearts are filled with anticipation. The Ligurian Sea awaits, ready to share its secrets with those daring enough to sail its storied waters. Bon voyage!

About the author

Mirela Letailleur The Travel Bunny

Mirela Letailleur is an acclaimed Romanian travel blogger based in the picturesque South of France. She has become a trusted voice in the travel community with a wealth of experience in affordable travel across Europe. Through her blog, The Travel Bunny, Mirela crafts unique and insightful travel guides, sharing her in-depth knowledge and local expertise. Her dedication to uncovering hidden gems and providing practical advice makes her an invaluable resource for travelers seeking authentic European experiences.

As a seasoned sailor and travel expert, Mirela is the go-to authority for anyone planning to explore the Ligurian Sea. Her firsthand adventures sailing from Chiavari to Marina del Fezzano, combined with her detailed knowledge of the Cinque Terre coast, offer unparalleled insights for fellow sailors and explorers. Mirela’s engaging storytelling and problem-solving skills ensure that her readers are well-prepared for their journeys, making her the best source of advice on navigating this stunning region of Italy.

Read more about Mirela Letailleur

After discovering Fezzano, check out these travel blog articles from our Med sailing trip
Sailing into the soul of Genova Italy: a journey beyond the ordinary
Arenzano Italy: unveiling the Italian Riviera’s hidden sailing paradise
Sailing to Marina di Loano — a coastal Italian adventure